



we must show men uncomfortable things

and ugly scenes

show their ruins for what they are…

Jericho’s walls fallen

like women’s vaginal walls in prolapse

there should be no consideration of comfort

when you succumb to grimacing

at being made to confront

the ugliness that is the consequence

of what you’ve done to me

yet that’s just pieces of me


Kalunga, Zili Danto, Innanna, Astarte, Lilith, Osun, Oya, and Kali

that’s just pieces of me yet unseen

My Mysterious Mothers and I are One

the ugliness you’ve made of me

is yet Glorious, Glorious

as i was created

Glorious, Glorious

Luminous even at the pyre

you made of me


poetry original copyright Gloria Steele-Hatten, Atlanta, GA 2015

Delta of Venus

Papi Pacify: “I’ll show you the meaning of Womban”


voluptuous panic

when I saw her dancing,


I meditated on Afro-Brazilian kiumbas

and the spirit of Anita Berber

a combination of

Weimer decadence and angelic Nubian elegance

saint and succubus

La Bruja con la calabaza de estrellas

dancing the flames

dancing her name

Light-codes etched in her veins

transcending a fame

for the serpentine Flame


Copyright 2015 Gloria Steele-Hatten, published in Black Mother Black Matter available here and Amazon


Citrine and amber

Jasmine and pearl

Gold dust and shimmer

Sweet lovemaking girl

Innocent mouth

Pout in a stare

An Empire in your eyebrows

Stardust, meteors, and dew crowned hair

Phoenix embodied in

Something as fair as a flower

Yet as indomitable as the wind

Shapeshifting into birds, into Mothers,

Even into Him

A hand for tender

A gift bequeathed refined and rendered

Everything that is cherished and worth saving

Shining, sharing, and Illuminating



Copyright 2016 Gloria Steele-Hatten, published in Solanaceae Book Two: Mother Revolution available here and Amazon

***Image Credits:



and Three

Lilitu, Transform Me — Commune and Transmute

How’s that? In the background as Lilitu comes unearthed. As she descends. Comes down and mounts me. Perches above me. And like a child I sit at her feet hearing tales of warriors and sacrifice. I listen and smell jasmine. Violet. Midnight fantasies and earth. Iron, sweat, and musk. Cassia. Clove. And rose absolute. “How’s […]

via Lilitu, Transform Me — Commune and Transmute


To be included in the forthcoming Solanaceae Book Two: Mother Revolution, out 4th Quarter 2016

Solanaceae Book One: The Shadows That Make The Girl You Undo out now on Lulu and Amazon, featuring the art of @CommuneandTransmute

Shapeshifter, Owl-Woman, Light-Bearer in the Dark: FKA Twigs and the Aje Mysteries, Pt 1


Twigs, in much of her work, appears as many manifestations of the Divine Feminine, in all Her benevolent, alluring, and cruel forms. She appears in M3li55x most strongly as the Mother Empress and the Triplicate of Aje Pupa, Aje Dudu, and Aje Efun, Red, Black, and White Iyaami Archetypes, also known as the sanitized “Triple Goddess” or, whitewashed as the Wiccan “MotherMaidenCrone”


The Crone depicted in “Figure 8”


The Infantalized Maiden, defiled like Persephone mirroring the degradation of Inanna’s Descent, in “I’m Your Doll”


The Triple Goddess throws on one of her Robes, like Santisima Muerte of the Red, White, and Black, to depict or portray whichever guise She pleases as necessary to guide and teach the Spiritual Supplicant; as the Red Goddess, She often teaches of bravery, courage in self-confrontation, the Will to Live, the fuel of aggression and rage, transmuting pain and anger into Divine Action, igniting Change and Creativity through Sensuality and Sexuality, all things and lessons in the realm of the Red Goddess or Red Queen Archetype, as we tentatively conceptualize it in Unverified Personal Gnosis.


As the Mothers Iyaami Osooronga or Aje in Yoruba Cosmology are depicted as birds, mostly owls and Night Birds, we see here an uncanny resemblence to an owl in the Curandismo-tinged desert seance of a music video ode to the Holy Dove, Pomba Gira, in her collaboration with .inc. 



The Mothers, Like Oshun, rule over the Women’s Mysteries of Blood and Birth, the processes of orgasm and conception, and even digestion and consumption (of the lungs).


The symbols of her hand invoke Shakti…



Light-Bearer, yet clothed in sparkling Shadows, Twigs performs both psychopomp and Priestess



The Moment the Goddess Descends into her body #possession as she is mounted in the Channeling, like the caboclo or the “horse” in African traditions, “ridden” by ancestral spirits and dieites who speak and act out blessing or warning and bring transformation through the body of the willing Vessel


…more to come….just a taste, a visual preview of the explication and my dissertation

Crowning Queen Bey: B for Bathory and the Vampire Queen Mysteries in Beyonce’s “Bow Down”

glimpses of Rainha Calunga…

“I’m so crowned/bow down bitches”

Queen/King Bey=Marie Antoinette=Queen Elizabeth I Virgin Sovereign=Elizabeth Bathory….all these shades exist, swimming beneath the dome of any monarch’s crown….the cultural consciousness, the collective “spirit” of Queenship contains all of these energies…yet, also, Makeda/Shaba, Innana/Isthar, Cleopatra VII, Hatsehpsut, etc. etc.

this dark clip gave me chills the very first time I saw it. I feel hints of that Bathory energy is present (hence my tweets posted above). Blood on the Throne. Beyonce’s “Wig Snatching” brings to mind head snatching, head collecting, and decapitation rituals and skulls as trophies, such as Bathory, Vlad the impaler and the like. Notice her recent prominent donning of gold vampire fangs, wearing all Black, and the upright AND inverted stars on her royal regalia as well as this “casual”, “hood/ratchet chick” outfit.